
Showing posts with the label Best health insurance plan in India

4 Key Things you need to know about Home Loan Processing Fees

Home loan processing fees are not the same everywhere, but there are definite common denominators, which we'll discuss in this article. 1. What is it? : The loan processing fee could be either the first-time payment to cover the approval costs of your mortgage applications or be decided by the loan official. hometown-vs-small-town This cost, however, is a routine, occurring alongside the loan sum. The rate can change from bank to lender. 2. How much is it?  The fee applies from 0.5% to 1% of the loan amount. Lastly, those interest rates might give an unimportant impression, but sum it up with the bigger loans and it can be huge. 3. When is it payable?  The carrying expenses are usually paid on time, at the time of credit application. For a couple as moneylenders, you may be granted to put it into your step-by-step credit sum yet you finish up paying interest also the handling expenses. 4. Is it negotiable? To be honest, there are some situations it can be argued for, too. Taking t

In the News: ITD Lengthens Weekend by Cancelling Long Weekend for the Taxpayers!

TAX-PAYERS, the income tax department is here to spice up the game- why don't you keep the calculators untouched? There is no long weekend for us. Indeed, the tax department is also working extra hours as most citizens will be scheduling and planning their March 29th to 31st vacation, even though that department is moving forward to guarantee a good tax-filing experience for everyone. You might be thinking, "But why cancel a well-deserved break?" Well, think of it this way: This fact is similar to having an all-time guardian squad that always promptly makes changes to save the taxpayers in desperate times. With the deadline coming close, the tax department is effectively pinning its hopes on every minute even as it gathers momentum. Now the question comes: How does it influence you? This is saying goodbye to the lazy days when one would keep postponing what they should have done a long time ago. Ready your receipts for the spreadsheets, flip on those calculators, and get

How to Choose a Bank for a Home Loan

Are you confused about choosing a bank for a home loan? You are on the right page. In this blog post, you will learn how to choose a bank for a loan, interest rate, terms and conditions, and documents. Catching a suitable bank for a loan can be more daunting than finding a house. Check the interest rate while taking a home loan:- Borrowers’ first intuition, is to pick the bank that offers the lowest interest rate, as even a slight change in interest reflects prominently on the monthly repayment.  Resembling rates to find the best lender would, however, amount to looking at your home loan only from a partial point of view. Banks manage to levy various other costs on home loans, in the form of processing fees, technical assessment and documentation charges.  The drawee could be asked to pay 25 base points to 200 basis points of the loan price, towards these charges, which considerably increases the overall cost of the loan. When you check interest rates, also try to find out if the bank

What is a PAN Card, and What is KYC? Why are they Important?

You will soon start your journey into your financial world, but now you are stuck with these letter combinations that come with a PAN card and KYC. So, what is that and why is it important? Let's break it down ! Firstly, the PAN card, which means the Personal Account Number card, should be there. Here it has a voice as your financial superhero ID. The Tax Identification Number (TIN) is the Payee's Personal Identification Number used by the Income Tax Department; it is the identifier for all tax-related works. Be it filing your returns or big-ticket purchases, your PAN card is your identity ensuring you flow in financial transparency and accountability. Now comes KYC, or what is also known as “Know Your Customer.” No, it is not secret intelligence work; it is an essential procedure financial institutions perform to ascertain your identity and detect if you may pose a risk. From banks to asset management firms, KYC procedure enables them to find that you are who you say you ar

Why Do We Need Rent Receipts?

Before paying or maintaining the rental receipts, it is vital to find the importance but rent receipts might be mediocre to ignore because they will drive your financial stability as well as peace of mind. With this question, then I might ask why we need them. 1. Legal Protection: Rent receipts act as the real evidence of the sunder, protecting both tenants and landlords in the event of disputes or litigation. In addition to these, they record all rent as well as lease terms, and payment histories, which ensures sharpness and fairness. 2. Financial Records: Rental payments are the basis of the budget and the financial plan . The inventory of rent receipts enables tenants to keep track of their spending, as it presents the expenditure as clear evidence, allowing them to be responsible for their financial obligations. 3. Tax Purposes: An important role of rent receipts is to enable tax filers to have rental deductions or tax credits on their tax returns. Following rental expense records

Steps to Build Wealth with Rs.75000 Monthly Salary

Tired of being an average employee and seeing your bills grow bigger and bigger every month? Finally, let's take the power and make decisions yourself in your financial life. You're not alone! However, there's a widespread notion of wealth creation being the privilege of the wealthy class, but that's just a myth. The key to making your money work for you does not depend on how much you earn, as ₹75,000 per month is also possible if you commit to your goals and formulate prudent plans. Here's how:  1. Track Your Expenses: To start creating wealth, first you have to know where your pecuniary resources are landing. Kick-off by checking expenses at the end of a month and make a note of where you can scale down.  2. Create a Budget: Once you have an idea of what is happening to your ₹75,000 monthly salary, assign a portion for savings and investments. Be tight-fisted as if you are the Pope himself when it comes to this budget.  3. Emergency Fund: Create a contingency f

Live in a Rented House? Here's How You can Save More Tax

Renting a house doesn't cruelly lose out on assessing reserve funds! In truth, it opens up a one-of-a-kind set of openings for sharp people. On the off chance that you are an inhabitant, here's a comprehensive direct on how you'll explore the assess scene and keep more cash in your take. 1. Master the HRA Diversion: The House Rent Allowance (HRA) is your brilliant ticket to tax investment funds . If you get HRA as part of your compensation, guarantee you claim the exception by submitting lease receipts and other fundamental archives. It's a direct way to diminish your assessable wage. 2. Choose Your Location Wisely: Diverse cities have diverse HRA exception limits, based on the taken toll of living. Be mindful of the winning rates in your city, and select your home deliberately. Picking for an area inside the endorsed limits can maximize your charge benefits. 3. Keep Those Rent Receipts Handy: Do not think little of the control of a basic lease receipt. Keep them organi

Tax Benefits - Atal Pension Yojana - Investments

Investing within the Atal Pension Yojana (APY) doesn't just secure your retirement but also brings along a few tax benefits. Here's a brief overview:  Tax Benefits - Atal Pension Yojana - Investments  1. Deduction under Section 80CCD:  Commitments made to the Atal Pension Yojana are qualified for a conclusion under Section 80CCD of the Income Tax Act. This segment permits you to claim deductions for contributions made towards the National Pension System (NPS), which incorporates APY.  2. Extra Tax Benefits for Self-Employed People:  Self-employed people can appreciate an additional advantage when contributing to APY. Not as it were do they get the standard finding under Section 80CCD, but they can moreover claim an extra conclusion of 20% of their net pay beneath Area 80CCD(1) with a cap.  3. Tax-Free Returns on Maturity:  Whereas the commitments to APY are not tax-free, the returns you get upon development are absolved from assessment. This implies that the gathered corpus, i

5 useful real estate tips which are included for women.

Female investors increasingly play an active role as competent investors with a clear vision in a vibrant and dynamic world of resilient stock markets. The gender diversity dedicated to cryptocurrency and blockchain evolves from the technical sphere to the business, investment, and even data security spheres. The world of crypto can be a daunting place for women who are involved in any stage of their tech career: from a newbie to a highly skilled expert. Nevertheless, these five following steps are designed particularly for all female crypto investors. 1. Financial Confidence is Key: Teach yourself financial literacy like a way to get superpowers. The first thing that needs to be done is borrowing, credit score, and understanding of what an escrow is in real estate. Have the knowledge and preparedness to construct informed decisions that will alter with the various stages of your long-term money goals. 2. Network, Organize, Arrange: We must stick to the fundamentals. Go to genuine eve

5 Benefits of Tax Saving Investment

Investing in tax-saving instruments not as it were makes a difference you reducing your tax liability but also gives several financial advantages. Here are five benefits of tax-saving investments: 1. Lower Tax Liability: The essential advantage of tax-saving speculations is the quick reduction in your assessable salary. By distributing stores to disobedient like Equity-Linked Saving Schemes (ELSS), Public Provident Fund (PPF), or National Pension System (NPS), you'll be able to profit derivations beneath pertinent areas of the Pay Tax Act, hence bringing down your in general assess burden. 2. Wealth Accumulation: Numerous tax-saving ventures, such as ELSS or long-term Fixed Deposits (FDs), offer the potential for riches aggregation over time. These disobedient not as it were give assess benefits but moreover produce returns, making a difference you constructing a corpus for future money-related goals like buying a house, financing instruction, or arranging for retirement. 3. Financ

6 Reasons to Invest in Gold Loan

1. Secured Investment:  Gold loans are secured by the borrower's gold collateral. This gives a level of security to the loan specialist, making it a less risky frame of speculation compared to unsecured credits. The value of gold frequently holds consistent over time, advertising a solid resource base for the bank.  2. Quick and Convenient Access to Funds:   Gold loans ordinarily have a clear and speedy endorsement handle. The valuation of gold is easier than surveying financial soundness in conventional credits. This permits borrowers to get to reserves quickly, making gold loans an appealing alternative for those in require of prompt money-related help.  3. Flexible Usage of Funds:  Unlike a few other forms of loans that are reserved for particular purposes, gold advances offer adaptability within the utilisation of funds. Borrowers can utilize the cash for different needs, such as beginning or extending a trade, tending to restorative costs, or taking care of unanticipated budge